It is a common stereotype that millennials are ‘job-hoppers,’ fleeting from job to job trying to see what each company can offer. However, employers need to remember that some team members move on for a variety of reasons, regardless of their generation.
Millennials have been brought up in the ‘digital age’ and therefore, have different expectations than previous generations. Here are some tips on how to keep them engaged and loyal to your company:
Offer them guidance with their job as millennials want to feel supported within the company and they will appreciate your effort to help them progress. If you don’t have the time to offer guidance, assign a manager to aid employees.
As well as guidance, it’s important for millennials to have opportunities that allow them to work their way up the company hierarchy. They want to be constantly learning and therefore providing training will keep them content. Training will give them reassurance that the company are willing to contribute to their professional development. Regular reviews are also imperative in keeping your team satisfied and gives employers an insight into how employees feel about the workplace.
Maintaining a good work/life balance is important for most professionals, particularly nowadays. Offering them benefits such as flexitime and an option to work from home will maintain motivation. Advancements in technology has made this easy and will keep your workforce happy.
Millennials are used to getting information straight away and they often rely on the internet for answers to their questions. If millennials work for a company that dodges questions and hide plans for company growth, they won’t be satisfied. Not being open with employees will prevent any trust from building, therefore stopping your workforce from being loyal to your company. Sharing future plans with the team will allow them to understand the direction of the company. Encourage managers to adopt a level of transparency with workers, as this will increase trust and loyalty throughout the workplace.
Offering an extensive amount of benefits will prevent any employee’s eyes wandering towards competitors. Benefits such as flexitime, holiday pay and overtime will keep your workforce engaged. alongside flexibility, organise regular work lunches and after work drinks to enhance professional relationships. The stronger the work relationship, the more loyalty your team will have for the company.
Ensuring millennial employees develop motivation and trust will bring a wealth of opportunity to your business. All they expect in return is a promise of career development, training and plenty of working benefits. Taking the time to offer this will keep them engaged and stop them from veering towards those competitors who do.
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