What’s more, having a clear and coherent social media strategy isn’t something that should be reserved for tech companies. In fact, there is a vast array of companies – and HR Professionals – that both can and should leverage the power of social media for business gains.
Of course, the wide range of social networking sites - from Linkedin to Facebook to Twitter – all have different uses to suit certain business needs. However, here at The HR Department we want to demonstrate 4 ways social media can benefit HR and prove that, as HR Professionals, you have no excuse not to be linkedin on social media.
1.Drastically Widens the Recruiting Market
There is no doubt that social networks are providing quicker and easier access to a diverse and highly skilled workforce than ever before – which is a huge positive for HR departments. Networks like Linkedin and Careerify allow employers and employees to seek out one another efficiently and effectively through online channels, while also facilitating a more continuous hiring process. In addition, employers can scrutinise candidates through their social networks before interviewing or hiring – a Facebook page or Linkedin profile can reveal a lot about a prospective employee.
On the other hand, employers need to be careful, as the chance of an employee being poached in this digital age is becoming more and more likely. With businesses and workers becoming highly interconnected through seamless social media communication, it’s never been easier to reach out to a prospective employee or employer. HR departments need to be aware of this and keep on top of their social media strategy to be sure they are not only hiring the best workers, but holding on to the cream of the crop too.
2. Can Greatly Improve Employer Branding
Crucially, with online transparency, comes a great deal more visibility and therefore responsibility. This goes for both companies and employees. The important thing for HR departments to note is that social media is essential when it comes to harnessing continuity and professionalism in your employer brand. A strong employer brand that is regularly pushed out on social media improves online reputation and is central to hiring and retaining talent.
Equally, be careful what you post and where you post it. One wrong move on social media can be hugely detrimental to a company’s brand and, as we all know, mistakes have a tendency to go viral.
3. Analytics to Monitor Success
One of the big issues with social media is monitoring its success. HR departments may be sceptical as to how much of a positive influence their social media strategy is having on the overall business. Luckily, there are analytics available to provide insights into the success of your social media activity. Whether it be the number of views on a blog post, the ‘likes’ on a photograph or the number of comments on a shared research paper, there is a plethora of ways to analyse your social media activity and find out what social content suits your company best.
4. New Job Opportunities
Finally, something HR Professionals should be acutely aware of is that as social media becomes more popular and crucial for businesses, there also needs to be an increase in personnel to manage it. A successful social media strategy isn’t something that can be handled at lunchtime by one employee– it requires time, effort, and therefore staff, to oversee it. Hiring a social media expert can help a great deal for your business and it’s HR’s
responsibility to find someone suited to the job.
It’s also advisable to ensure that all members of staff who are engaged in social media on behalf of your company are adequately trained in how to use it effectively. It may only be 140 characters, but don’t underestimate the time and research that can go into a meaningful tweet that’s in line with your business ethos!
So, there’s no doubt that the social media age is bringing a great deal of opportunities to both businesses and HR departments alike. There is also no question that in order to meet the business needs of today, HR Professionals should be regularly updating their social media strategy. After all, the essence of HR is capitalising on new ways of communicating, networking and getting in touch with people – it would be foolish, therefore, to ignore social media.
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